Fares and Discounts for Bus transport in Salzburg | Albus

Bus Fares at Albus

All prices and reductions at a glance.

Bus ticket Salzburg: Fares & discounts

We use the fares of the Salzburger Verkehrsverbund (SVV), which are so-called zone fares. This means that the price of your bus tickets is calculated based on the number of fare zones through which you travel. There is a single price for bus tickets in Salzburg city (core zone Salzburg).

The current SVV fare regulations as well as the SVV fare folder are available for download as a PDF document. Further bus ticket fare information for Salzburg is available online at https://salzburg-verkehr.at/?lang=en .


Reduced prices are available for the following bus tickets in Salzburg:
One-way ticket, hourly card, 24-hour ticket and day ticket

Minimum fare
• Children from 6 to 14 years (until one day before their 15th birthday).
• Parents, foster parents or grandparents and children with an officially issued Austrian Family Pass (Salzburg, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Burgenland, Styria, Carinthia). Children registered in the Family Pass under 15 ride free.
• Persons with severe war-related disabilities and the blind.
• Persons with a handicap of 70% or more (with a disability card or ÖBB-ÖSTERREICHCARD "Spezial").
• Dogs (only with muzzle and leash).

Youth fare
Teenagers from 15 to 18 years (until one day before their 19th birthday) can buy a bus ticket in Salzburg at a reduced price. Proof of age required by presenting a photo ID.

Senior citizens‘ fare
Against presentation of a valid ÖBB VORTEILSCARD "Senior" (in conjunction with a valid photo ID) or a valid ÖBB ÖSTERREICHCARD "Senior", senior citizens can make a booking at a dicounted price.

Learn more about the fare discounts.